Here’s what you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for 2013: HDHP Minimum Deductible Amount Individual $1,250 Family $2,500 HDHP Maximum Out-of-Pocket Amount Individual …
Category: Health Insurance
So, you have heard a lot about health care reform (AKA: The Affordable Care Act and/or Obamacare), but you aren’t sure exactly what is changing or when it is changing. Well wonder no more. Here is a great summary of all the changes that affect small business and the group health insurance market. Affordable Care…

The answer to this question is complex, but in general terms the high and rising costs of health care are the result of eight key drivers: 1. Medical technology is amazing…but it’s expensive As new health care technologies prove to be more effective, expect utilization to increase; in turn driving costs up even more. Spending…
Via: America’s Health Insurance Plans