Category: Health Care Reform

featured image What Income Counts for the Advance Premium Tax Credit for Individuals?

When health care reform goes into effect in 2014, people under a certain income threshold will qualify for subsidies in the form of tax credits to help offset the price of health insurance, if they buy a plan through an exchange. Individuals whose earnings are less than about $46,000 per year will benefit from the…

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featured image CoverColorado is going away. Now what?

Those who are insured by CoverColorado must be wondering what’s in store for them in 2014.  Well, to start, it is going away. Here is the letter that CoverColorado sent out to all insureds explaining how this program plans to wind down.  But, there will be options for its beneficiaries. If you have any questions about this, just give…

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featured image What Northern Colorado organizations will be “Health Care Navigators”?

Connect for Health Colorado has awarded $17 million in grants to support their Assistance Network (aka “health care navigators”), a group of organizations aimed at educating the public about the new exchange and options for healthcare in 2014 and beyond. $2.1 million of that total has been allocated for Northern Colorado. These 6 organizations have…

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featured image Sample Health Insurance Rates for 2014

The Colorado Consumer Health Initiative (CCHI) analyzed plans filed by insurance carriers to be sold in the Connect for Health Colorado exchange, and released sample rates for 2014. The following examples are estimated rates for silver level plans. Silver level policies are designed to cover 70% of all health care costs for the average person….

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featured image Large Business Health Insurance: Options for 2014

As far as health insurance is concerned, a large group employer is defined as more than 50 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs). As for how to determine if you have 50 or more FTEs, check out this post. Large businesses will have 3 basic health care options come 2014: Offer employees a fully insured or ASO…

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featured image How to calculate average number of employees per month for health care mandate

If a business is considered “small,” it is not required to offer a health care plan. For large companies of more than 50 full time equivalent employees (FTE’s), offering coverage is mandated to avoid paying steep penalties. A full time worker is defined as someone who works more than 30 hours per week. However, part-time…

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featured image Small Business Health Insurance: Options for 2014

Small businesses with less than 50 employees will have the choice to purchase health insurance plans for their employees either in the traditional setting (outside of the exchange), or inside their own exchange called the SHOP (Small Business Health Options Program,) which is separate from the individual exchange. Please note that Sage Benefit Advisors will…

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featured image Individual Health Insurance: Options for 2014

The Affordable Care Act goes into effect in January 2014, and enacts the requirement that health insurance coverage be guaranteed issue for all, which means that no one can be denied or charged extra for preexisting health conditions. There are three situations most people will find themselves in come next year. Some will be covered…

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featured image How to protect yourself from insurance fraud.

Criminals these days will take any opportunity possible to steal your identity to use to their own advantage. This is common when new changes in government policy occur. It’s not surprising that President Obama’s Affordable Care Act has already proven to be a means for these offenders to attempt to gain valuable personal information. The…

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featured image What health insurance companies are going to be on the Colorado health insurance exchange?

The Colorado Health Insurance Exchange recently announced which carriers have submitted plans to the Division of Insurance (DOI) for approval, and would likely take part in the online insurance exchange. This list includes insurance companies that will offer both individual and/or small group health plans: All Savers Insurance Company (Individual) Anthem (HMO Colorado and Rocky…

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