Category: Financial Planning

featured image Are Health Savings Accounts a Good Investment?

A growing trend in both individual and employer sponsored healthcare, using a health savings account (HSA), is a great option for some. HSA accounts are bank accounts that are  paired with a high deductible health plan (HDHP), and are primarily used to pay for medical expenses. One of the chief advantages is that this money…

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featured image Large Group Bulletin: Taxes and Fees

Although the employer mandate has been delayed for a year, other important changes are coming for large group employers (over 50 employees). Certain taxes and fees may affect large businesses as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Anthem has put together a guide to help employers make sure they know what’s coming, and what…

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featured image How Individual Insurance Subsidies Will Be Reconciled

The Affordable Care Act enacts that individuals under a certain income threshold will be eligible to receive Advanced Premium Tax Credits to help offset the cost of health insurance coverage, starting January 2014. They will be paid from the federal government directly to insurance companies. At the end of each year, reconciliation between an individual’s…

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featured image End of Life Care: When is enough, enough?

Anyone who’s ever dealt with the terminal illness of a loved one understands the emotional, physical, and often financial stress a family takes on during an exceedingly difficult time. Tough decisions must be made by all, but are these choices really in the best interest of the family, or the dying person? Shockingly, 1/4 of…

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featured image How much can I contribute to my health savings accounting for 2014?

Here’s what you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for 2014: HDHP Minimum Deductible Amount Individual                                                        $1,250 Family                                                              $2,500 HDHP Maximum Out-of-Pocket Amount Individual    …

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featured image Health Savings Account Limits for 2010

If you have a health savings account (HSA) plan, please be advised of the new limits for 2010. These amounts for 2010 as compared to 2009 are shown below. The catch-up contribution limit prescribed by statue is also included.     If you would like to learn more about the benefits of HSA plans, we…

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featured image The Pros and Cons of Group Health Insurance

The health insurance marketplace is certainly challenging, but count your lucky stars that at least you have choices. To that end, this article is going to explore the pros and cons of group health insurance, with an emphasis on health plans in Colorado. This article helps to answer the question “which is better, individual or group health insurance?”.

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