Category: Compliance

featured image Should I just drop group health insurance and offer an HRA instead?

In an effort to dodge some of the rules and challenges that are part of Health Care Reform, some “slick” sales organizations are encouraging Colorado employers to just “get out the health insurance game” and offer a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) instead. Here is one of the marketing e-mails that we just received. Their pitch sounds…

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featured image Am I eligible for the Advanced Premium Tax Credit?

Starting in 2014 you may be eligible for the “Advanced Premium Tax Credit” (which was created as part of the Affordable Care Act). If youare eligible, this could substantially reduce the cost of your Colorado health insurance plan. In order to determine your eligibility for these tax credits, consider these questions: 1. Are you eligible for…

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featured image Colorado Health Insurance Exchange

If your employer does not offer health insurance, then beginning in 2014 you will be eligible to purchase your Colorado health insurance from the Colorado Health Insurance Exchange. What is the Colorado Health Insurance Exchange? Colorado’s health insurance exchange will be a competitive and transparent marketplace where you can purchase health insurance (even if you…

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featured image What is an SBC?

As we find ourselves in the midst of health care reform law we are faced with yet another acronym: SBC. This stands for Summary of Benefits and Coverage and this document actually began it’s formation on August 22, 2011 by the Departments of Labor, Treasury and Health and Human Services. On February 9, 2012 the…

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featured image How much can I contribute to my HSA for 2013?

Here’s what you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for 2013: HDHP Minimum Deductible Amount Individual                                                        $1,250 Family                                                              $2,500 HDHP Maximum Out-of-Pocket Amount Individual    …

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featured image Health Care Reform Implementation Schedule for Small Businesses

So, you have heard a lot about health care reform (AKA: The Affordable Care Act and/or Obamacare), but you aren’t sure exactly what is changing or when it is changing. Well wonder no more. Here is a great summary of all the changes that affect small business and the group health insurance market. Affordable Care…

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featured image Small Business Health Care Tax Credit Calculator

Ever since the health care reform bill passed, we have been fielding tons of questions from our clients about how this bill was going to affect them. Three of the most frequent questions that we get from our small business / group health insurance clients are: 1. Does my small business qualify for the “Small…

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featured image Health Care Reform Overview

Humana has developed high-level overviews of the new health reform law, with two versions tailored for small employers and large employers. Below are links to those summaries so you can download them for your use. Health Care Reform Overview for Small Employers Health Care Reform Overview for Large Employers Sage Benefit Advisors remains committed to…

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featured image Health Savings Account Limits for 2010

If you have a health savings account (HSA) plan, please be advised of the new limits for 2010. These amounts for 2010 as compared to 2009 are shown below. The catch-up contribution limit prescribed by statue is also included.     If you would like to learn more about the benefits of HSA plans, we…

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featured image Understand the Health Care Reform Bill

Here is a helpful chart in understanding the new health care reform bill. Sage Benefit Advisors will keep you up to date on the changes associated with the new health care bill.

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